Sunday, October 20, 2013

Boys, Boys, Boys!

Boys will be boys!  I cannot believe almost a month has passed since my last update!  My is time flying fast!  They continue to keep my busy with multiple diaper changes, feedings, baths, bottle washing, pumping, etc!  At times I feel ultimately overwhelmed and under-matched with they 'gang' up on mom!  However, there are 2 second moments that bring me back to earth - one of them smiling, snoring, or looking around with their wide awake eyes! 

We've had a couple of firsts around here!  Mom and I took the boys out to the mall for the first time so I could get a hair cut.  I took the boys to get a couple 'newborn' pictures taken.  Both times I was quite tentative to go out in public with two kiddos!  However, they were champs at their first mall visit being very good for mom... maybe it's because she took them to Victoria's Secret?  The photo session was fun yet stressful to get two kiddos ready for the camera!  I can't wait to see the photos as I know they'll be amazing!

Well I have about 5 weeks left before I have to return to work and I'm not sure I'm quite ready for that!  As I said before, being home alone during the day with the two kiddos can be overwhelming.  However, I do enjoy being able to pick them up to snuggle them at any time I want!  I will also have to start changing my routine in order to get to work on time!  Sure is nice to not have a schedule at the moment!  Getting ready to go places sure does take quite a bit more time than I ever imagined!

Here's some updated photos:

Alex - Left, Brodie - Right

Alex with Grandpa Kail

Brodie with his WubbaNub

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Time Flies When You're Having F-U-N!

Time sure flies when you're having fun!  I totally have slacked on updating my blog - but I guess I've been side tracked by two beautiful baby boys!

Thursday the 22nd, Corey and I went in for our 2 week ultrasound to check on the boys.  I was at the 34 week and 5 day mark.  The ultrasound went well and next we went to talk to the Perinatologist.  The nurses took my blood pressure and checked my urine for protein.  The previous week 8/16 at the OB office my BP was the highest it had been throughout the pregnancy and I had 1+ protein in my urine.  Both of which were not too concerning to the doctor at that point, but they would be monitoring closely!  Well... on the 22nd my BP was ~180/90 and I now had 2+ protein in my urine.  Both of which were very concerning and the Perinatologist immediately sent C and I over to the hospital for monitoring and blood work.  They decided to admit me in the maternity center for the night to do a 24 hour urine test for protein.  Well... I managed to fail that miserably thus earning the diagnosis of preeclampsia.  I wouldn't be going anywhere from that hospital bed until I delivered the boys!

While bed rest in the hospital was tough, I managed to pass the time with plenty of visitors and joking around with the nursing staff.  I spent time on bed rest from 8/22 until 8/30.  Around 11:15 pm on 8/29 my water broke and the party started!  The boys were delivered on 8/30 at 10:25 and 10:28 am.  I was super excited that the boys were delivered by Dr. Lehman, the doctor I had been seeing throughout my entire pregnancy, as she was the doctor on call that Friday!  Everything went well besides the fact that I had to have magnesium for 24 hours before / after birth due to my blood pressures.  The magnesium gave me such an out of body experience that I would never wish upon anyone else to ever experience!!  I definitely was excited when the anesthesiologist showed up to give me my epidural... more power to you all who can deliver without assistance, but I was happy to not feel any contractions after that!!

The boys did very well in the delivery room (which was the operating room as they automatically put ladies in the operating room who have twins for a just in case emergency c-section scenario).  Alexander Dean was baby A weighing 6 lbs 2.5 oz and Brodie Lee was baby B weighing 4 lbs 11 oz.  Brodie had to be admitted to the NICU on Saturday as his blood sugar levels were spiking and he wasn't eating very well.  He had everything fully developed and didn't need any assistance beyond eating.  We are very fortunate to have him home now after spending time in the NICU from 8/31 to 9/20.  He is such a trooper now and is making up ground quickly on his 'bigger' brother!  We're adjusting to life at home with two babies!

Thank goodness for my mom being able to help me out for the past 4+ weeks.  She visited me in the hospital and kept me sane!  She helped me pack up Alex at home and get us to the hospital to see Brodie every day.  Last but not least she's helped with both boys being at home - bottle making for Brodie, diaper changes times 2, middle of the night feedings and keeping me sane during any of my minor melt downs!!  Love her to pieces!!

Proud papa!! Brodie (L) & Alex (R)

Crib party in the NICU!!  Alex (L) & Brodie (R)

Both boys are coming home!!!  Alex (L) & Brodie (R)

Sunday, August 4, 2013


We had quite a busy weekend!!!  Things started on Friday for our dr. appointment.  Things went well at the appointment.  My blood pressure is still looking good, and I packed on another ~9 lbs - bringing the total to ~ 34 lbs!  My hemoglobin level was still low... so I'll be taking more iron supplements!  I'm now taking my prenatal vitamin with iron and 2 extra iron pills spread out during the day!  Hoping to hear good news at my next appointment.  I'm now scheduled up to meet with the dr. once a week and ultrasounds every two weeks.  My next 3 appointments will be on Fridays - what a great way to start the weekend!

Saturday brought the last of the baby showers.  This one was hosted by my sisters... (sister-in-laws)!  They had prepped a couple fun games to play, a nice table full of goodies to munch on, and so much fun was had by all!  Saturday night mom, dad, Brett, Corey, and I went out for supper to celebrate mom's b-day (actually Sunday).  We finished off the night by watching an oldie - Trading Places.

Sunday brought lots and lots of progress!!!!  We had our ritual Sunday morning breakfast at the Waveland West Cafe and then it was go time.  We got all of the furniture into the boy's room, sorted out more clothing and gifts, and got crazy on laundry. 

Ultrasound on Tuesday - excited to see the boys again!!!!

Here's recent growth photos and bedroom progress:

Saturday, July 27, 2013

31 Weeks

Officially 31 weeks today!

We saw the boys on Tuesday at our ultrasound visit.  I was a little bit surprised to hear that both boys were head down.  Baby A is now on my left side - he's been hanging on the right up until now - and is in a very low head down position.  His little butt is to the left side of my belly button, which explains massive lump that appears at times.  Baby B is on the right side with his little butt in my right ribs - little turd.  Both sets of feet seemed to be hanging out in the middle. 

Everything looked good on the ultrasound.  The tech measured out Baby A to be ~ 3 lbs 7 oz and Baby B to be ~ 2 lbs 12 oz.  We did get to see a very up close look at Baby A's foot - so cute!  Now that I'm over the 30 week mark, they would like to see us for ultrasounds every 2 weeks now.  Our next appointment is Tuesday, August 6th in the morning.

Next up is the appointment with my doctor on Friday, August 2nd.  I'm interested in the weight gain category and what she has to say about the most recent ultrasound!

Amber & The Boys

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Movin' and a Groovin'

The boys have been a movin' and a groovin' lately!  I am lop sided at times when they decide to pull a full on stretch out.  Just to the left side of my belly button bulges out and on my right side just below my ribs.  I'm pretty sure that there is a head there bulging by the ribs and that has become a tad bit uncomfortable!  I often find myself pushing on my ribs, which helps with the pressure!  Our next ultrasound is on Tuesday!  Super excited to see the boys again and I'm also curious about their positioning!  Our next Dr. appt. is on August 2nd.

I passed my glucose test at my last dr. appointment.  The drink wasn't terrible but also wasn't super delicious!  The worst part was the extreme sugar 'high' and the extreme sugar 'low'!  I found myself seeing the clock 'spin' at about 30 minutes into the test, sweating at about 45 minutes, and at about the 1 hour mark I was on the down hill slide! 

Today officially brings us to the 30 week mark and time is flying by!  C is making some progress on the boy's bedroom!  We now have 3 of 4 walls done with all new outlets and a light switch.  One wall left to finish up and then we'll start working on the angled parts of the ceiling.  Things are starting to come together which is good considering we only have 8 weeks left (38 weeks is the latest they'll let me go!).  I'm hoping that the boys brew for as long as possible as they will be healthier! 

The 4th Annual Jamison Fish Fry is still scheduled for August 31st!  Hope to see you all there!

Until next time,
Love Amber & "The Boys"

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Today brought the two dr. appointments!  First appointment was at the Perinatal Center for an ultrasound.  This time around the appointment only took 20 minutes!  I couldn't believe when we were done!  All previous appointments have taken an hour and a half to an hour and forty-five minutes!  Today was just a general check up and one extra shot of Baby B's heart that they couldn't get on the previous appointment.  The boys were allll sorts of sprawled out today!  Baby A's head was positioned near my right hip bone with his feet angled up towards my left rib cage.  Baby B's head was positioned near my right rib cage and his legs angled towards my left hip bone!  This makes sense as I've been feeling a majority of the movements on the left side of my belly - where both of their legs are positioned! Baby A measured out as a little chunker at 2.6 lbs and Baby B measured out to be 2.0 lbs.  Next ultrasound will be at week 30, on June 23rd, in three weeks!

The next appointment was in the afternoon with my dr.  I packed on an additional 9 lbs from the last appointment to take my count up to 24 lbs.  My blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature were all looking fantastic!  Today was the day that I had the pleasure of drinking the glucose drink to test for gestational diabetes.  I went with the lemon-lime flavor.  The drink didn't taste terrible, and I managed to gulp 'er down.  I'm glad that the bottle wasn't any bigger...

The dr. didn't have much to talk about and I didn't have much to ask so the appointment was pretty short again.  She mentioned next time around we'd talk about delivery stuff.  Next appointment with her is on August 3rd.  She said she wanted to be able to review the ultrasound information before meeting with me.  Went down to the lab for my blood draw.  I had to wait ~ 30 minutes before they took my blood.  Holy cow did that glucose drink give me one heck of a sugar high and one heck of a low.  I definitely felt the effects of all that sugar.  I didn't get a call back on my results, so I hope to hear from them tomorrow.  Fingers crossed that I passed... of all tests, nobody wants to fail that one!

Baby B's head was resting on Baby A's chest near his heart... such sweeties!
Profile shot of Baby A - lil' guy was moving his jaw - 'sucking' - probably trying to find his hands! Super cute!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

6 months!

Well I'm officially 6 months along today!  My oh my has so much happened since my last post!  C and I went on our annual fishing trip to Canada.  We enjoyed our stay and enjoyed the fishing!  The trip is such a nice break from 'reality', as there really are no time schedules, no cell phones, and no computers which all lead to a relaxing time.  Along the way we had to stop and get this little gem:
This is our Week 22 Photo (Papayas) as we were up in Canada!
On Tuesday June 4th I had an appointment with Dr. Lehman at the OB office.  Everything is going well, so the appointment was quick.  The next appointment will bring the glucose test, which I asked if I could skip out on and got denied!  Darn...  After the appointment at the OB office, I drove downtown to the Perinatal Center where I met up with C.  We had an ultrasound to check out Baby B's heart and do a general growth check on both.  Baby A weighed a whopping 1.6 pounds and was head down.  Baby B weighed slightly less at 1.2 pounds and was transverse across the top of my belly.  Baby B was a little stinker and wouldn't budge at all during the ultrasound.  The little guy's heart was almost directly below my belly button, which caused the ultrasound tech to struggle to get good shots of his heart.  After 1 hour and 45 minutes, the tech got as many pictures as she could!  

Once the ultrasound tech had compiled the pictures, we then met with Dr. Drake.  Dr. Drake checked over the ultrasounds on both boys and mentioned that they looked great, including both hearts!  She asked us if we knew why we were doing such an extensive check on the hearts, which we responded yes - IVF.  She made mention that there is a possibility that there are heart defects with IVF babies, but in her entire years at the Perinatal center, she has yet to see an IVF baby with a heart defect.  We were very much excited to hear the good news!

Next appointments for both the OB office and Perinatal center fall on July 2nd.  Ultrasounds in the morning and glucose test in the afternoon.

Here's some of the most recent photos:

This was while I was in Wahpeton, ND for work... I felt like I had popped - 6/5/2013
Until next time,
Love Amber & the Boys (C, Max, & Babies)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Heyyyyy all!

C and I went to the first heart check up on Baby A today.  As far as we know things are okay... I asked the ultrasound tech if she would tell us if something was wrong or if we would have to wait until after the heart check up with Baby B at the next appointment.  Obviously she couldn't really say too much, but she did mention that if she saw something suspicious that she would have the doctor talk to us before we left the clinic.  Well, we never spoke with the doctor and she never gave any indications of anything being wrong... so all's good for Baby A!

We absolutely loved being able to see our boys again!  When we arrived the boys were both breech, but by the end of the appointment (45 minutes later), Baby B was transverse again and Baby A was still breech.  Baby B stuck up for himself this time and head butted Baby A - give me more room!  Baby A must be our little acrobat... as we got a shot of him with his legs curled up and feet above his head!

Here's the previous two weeks worth of belly progress photos!

Until next time,
Love Amber & "the Boys"

Sunday, May 5, 2013

19 Weeks!

Here's a few photos recent photos with a couple from our ultrasound day.

Baby A is a BOY!
Baby B - Profile Shot
Baby A's foot by Baby B's head - Right around the time A kicked B!!
We're scheduled to go back to the Perinatal Center for a check up on Baby A's heart on Wednesday, May 15th at 1:45 pm.  Because our babies are IVF babies, we were told that the doctors like to do a more thorough check of the hearts of both babies.  Due to the extensive checking, they are only willing to do one heart at a time.  Our next appointments fall on the same day.  I'll have a general check up with my doctor June 4th @ 9:15 am and then we're scheduled for another appointment at the Perinatal Center on 10:15 am to check Baby B's heart and general check of both at that time.  We'll meet with the Perinatologist at 11:30 am to talk about the results of both heart examinations.

Until next time!
Love from Amber and "the boys" (Corey, Max, & the babies!)

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ohhh Boy!

Today was the day I've been waiting for!  We were able to see baby A and B!  Apparently there are two Perinatal Centers in downtown DSM, and of course I managed to go to the wrong one....  I left the doctors office with plenty of time to get to my next appointment.  So I sat in the parking lot waiting for C to join me.  We strolled into the clinic at 10:30 (appointment time) and went to the receptionist desk to check in.  This is where I about had a coronary.  They told me that I wasn't scheduled for an appointment and then mentioned that maybe I needed to go to the Methodist Perinatal Center not the Mercy Perinatal Center (where we were).  Considering we were just barely on time at the wrong clinic I about died wondering how far away was the right clinic?!?!  C and I managed to find the right clinic and strolled in at 10:45.  The receptionist there mentioned that I was supposed to check in at 10:15 to get paper work completed for my 10:30 appointment.  Thanks for the reminder that I already know I'm late.  She wasn't sure if we would be able to get in for the ultrasound as we were late... about had a melt down...

They managed to get us in and get the ultrasound completed. *WHEW* This took about 1.5 hours!!!  I can't believe how fast time flew while we were looking at our babies!  Baby B (the higher baby in a transverse position) was spread eagle so the ultrasound tech knew right away that baby B was a boy!  She took lots of different angles and pictures of the hands, feet, heart, skull, spine, etc.  Baby A was a little bit more of a struggle as they were head down and curled up!  Their feet and hands were all snuggled up by the head!  After shifting side to side, going to the bathroom, and her shaking the ultrasound wand all to get baby A to move....we were finally able to see that Baby A was also a boy!  Was so much fun to see the movements of their hands and feet "live" on screen.  Baby A was caught kicking Baby B in the head... most likely just the beginning of more 'fighting' between the two or the famous line "I'm not touching you..."

Here are the two previous week's progress photos!

Monday, April 15, 2013


Still playing the waiting game until the 30th which is our next appointment with the doc.  After our appointment we'll be driving down town DSM to the Perinatal Center for an ultrasound.  I can hardly wait to see Baby J a & b!

Things are going well and I know my bellykins is getting bigger... here's a little bit of proof (not too much of a difference between the two weeks, but I sure feel different!):

Monday, April 1, 2013

14 Weeks +

Today brought our second appointment!  We were really excited to see the babies but unfortunately as much as I tried and tried to trick the doctor into giving me an ultrasound, we'll have to wait until the next appointment!  Dang!  The nurse used the Doppler and was able to hear both heartbeats.  One heartbeat was ~155 and the other was ~163.  The sound is so amazing, but I know that in a month the ultrasound will be even more amazing!  The next appointment is on April 30th at 9:15 am!  Until then you'll have to wait for updates!  Here's some photos C and I took in the past couple weeks.

This is the puzzle I had my Grandparents put together to find out we were expecting and expecting twins!

Announcement soon to be very much public!
9 Weeks - Ultrasound Photos from Mid-Iowa Fertility

14 Weeks!  Navel Oranges!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

First Appt - 1/2 Way to 2nd!

C and I went to our first appointment at Lakeview OB on 3/4/13.  The staff failed to mention to me on the phone when I made the appointment and when their nurse called back to ask me 30 million health questions, that I would need to provide a urine sample upon arrival!  Well, being as prepared as I could be for the appointment, I took care of that before I left work!  I gave 'er the all American college try, but I couldn't provide a sample... hah!  They provided me with a huge glass of water so I could leave a sample on the way out!  Note to self... come with a full bladder next time! 

The appointment went well.  Dr. Lehman just started talking about anything and everything, which was all informational.  She asked if we had any questions, but at that point I really didn't have much to ask!  I am sure that I'll come up with some good questions down the road.  Dr. said that we would have just had an ultrasound if the ultrasound tech had been there that day, but instead she attempted to hear the heartbeats with the doppler.  She was able to hear one heart beat if not both.  She said she thought she had heard one in the high 170's and the other in the low 180's, which is right on par with the last appointment on 2/21 we had at the fertility clinic.  She tried for quite a while to hear the heartbeats and said that the babies were movin' and a groovin' - making things tougher!

Our next appointment is on 4/1, and I'm not foolin' you all.  We can't wait to see our baby J's on the screen again as we'll be starved for over a month from the last time we saw them!

Waiting game is on again!

Until next time,

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Lookin' Good

Our 2nd ultrasound was last Thursday 2/21.  Everything looked wonderful on screen and the two heartbeats sounded strong @ 177 and 183 bpm.  I was happy and a little sad at the same time knowing that might be the last time I walk into Mid Iowa fertility and see that wonderful staff.  However, we're super happy that we're graduating away from the fertility clinic and onto the OB the recommended us to the clinic.  For now I'm still continuing on with the progesterone supplements and estradiol patches.

The two kiddos...!  I'm pretty sure they're smiling... Can you see that too...?

My next appointment with my OB doctor is on Monday, March 4th at 10:15.  I'm excited for the first visit with Dr. Lehman.  I am also looking forward to seeing the baby J's again!

Until next time,

Thursday, February 14, 2013

No More Needles!!!

No more needles.... No more needles.... No more needles!  Well I was finally able to switch my progesterone medication to a non-injectable version (Crinone)!  I had to wait until after the first ultrasound to make the switch.  Tuesday evening was the last needle I hope I will have to endure for quite a while!  I don't think I ever posted pictures of the progesterone or the patches so here they are:

Progesterone 1mL per day

Vivelle Dot patches - 2 patches changed every 4 days

One week from today we'll have our 2nd ultrasound to check on the twins.  I am getting super excited to see the progress and hear good news that things are going well.  Here's to hoping the next week goes by FAST!

 Love you all,

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Double Trouble...!

Well, we had our first ultrasound today and Nicole (my nurse) showed C & I that we had two baby J's on the screen (baby "A" and baby "B")!!! Both baby J's had strong heartbeats at 124 bpm (Baby J - "A") and 123 bpm (Baby J - "B").  We'll have a follow up appointment two weeks from now on the 21st @ 3:40!

Baby J's!  "A" & "B"
Baby J - "A" Measuring at 7w 0d +/- 5 days

Baby J - "B" Measuring at 6 w 4d +/- 5 days

Time to celebrate with some sparkling grape juice!

Until next time love you all!
- C, ALJ, Maximus, Baby J - "A", and Baby J - "B"

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Double Positive!

I had my blood draw on Tuesday and Dr. Young called me back to say that my hCG level was over 300, which means...........I'm pregnant!  Today I had another blood draw to check to see if the level doubled which would show normal progress.  Dr. Young called back again and said my level was over 800!  What a promising explosion in the numbers!  We are so super excited with the recent news!

Our next appointment is on February 7th, at 1:30.  I'll have an ultrasound to see how things are progressing, so we'll have to endure yet another two week wait!  We're continuing on with the patches and the butt shots.

Time to celebrate (responsibly of course)!!!!

Love you all,

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Transfer & Wait!

Thursday C & I went to the clinic for the FET.  Doc said that the lab unthawed two embryos and both of them looked great.  He successfully transferred both of the embryos.  Doc Young made mention that we still have one frozen embryo left, to which I replied that we wouldn't need that one as 3rd times a charm was going to happen!!!  Thursday & Friday I stuck pretty hard to my bed rest plan.  I spent Thursday catching up on some afternoon television by answering all of the Jeopardy questions correctly and guessing the Wheel of Fortune puzzles - ha just kidding.  I saved Friday for the day that I would start reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  I managed to get through roughly 400 pages before Mom stopped by to break up the day!  I really enjoyed her afternoon company!  I finished up the book today... pretty good read and I hear that the next two are as good as well.

Nothing much to update on until the 22nd (10 days away... not that I'm counting or anything...).  I'll have my blood draw at 7:30 am and hope to hear good news from the clinic.  So for now I'll continue with the estradiol patches and progesterone shots (which are literally a pain in my... well you know what).

Love you all,

Saturday, January 5, 2013

On Track

I had my blood draw and lining check last Thursday the 3rd and we're on track for the FET on Thursday the 10th.  The nurse who did the ultrasound said that my lining was on the verge of being too thin.  She was going to have Dr. Young look at the ultrasound pics and have him make the determination.  She told me if things were to change that I would get a call from the clinic, otherwise I should plan on a 1:00 pm transfer time.  I didn't hear back from the clinic so we're ON TRACK !

C had to meet up with me to sign the FET consent form at the clinic as we had to sign the form in front of a notary aka the front desk receptionist.  I also was expecting to shell out our portion of the FET costs, but when I asked how much I owed the receptionist said that I didn't need to pay anything!  Apparently we have a $280 + credit on our account.  I was somewhat disappointed that I didn't have to pay anything (weird I know), as I was all ready to whip out my flex spending card and use some of that cash rather than out of pocket!  Oh well, I'm sure I'll have more than this opportunity to use up that flex spending cash!

Dreaded progesterone shot starts tonight and I am not looking forward to that... :-\  Only other changes to meds are additions of a steroid (dexamethasone) and an antibiotic (doxycycline) that I only take for two days on Wednesday & Thursday.  Thursday I take Prometrium in the am and a Valium an hour before the FET.

Next update after the 10th!  I am getting a little nervously excited as things are only days away!  Here's to hoping that the next 4 days go fast and the next 3 working days are jam packed, keep me busy / occupied, and go quickly!

Until next time,
Love you all,