Saturday, January 12, 2013

Transfer & Wait!

Thursday C & I went to the clinic for the FET.  Doc said that the lab unthawed two embryos and both of them looked great.  He successfully transferred both of the embryos.  Doc Young made mention that we still have one frozen embryo left, to which I replied that we wouldn't need that one as 3rd times a charm was going to happen!!!  Thursday & Friday I stuck pretty hard to my bed rest plan.  I spent Thursday catching up on some afternoon television by answering all of the Jeopardy questions correctly and guessing the Wheel of Fortune puzzles - ha just kidding.  I saved Friday for the day that I would start reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  I managed to get through roughly 400 pages before Mom stopped by to break up the day!  I really enjoyed her afternoon company!  I finished up the book today... pretty good read and I hear that the next two are as good as well.

Nothing much to update on until the 22nd (10 days away... not that I'm counting or anything...).  I'll have my blood draw at 7:30 am and hope to hear good news from the clinic.  So for now I'll continue with the estradiol patches and progesterone shots (which are literally a pain in my... well you know what).

Love you all,

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