Saturday, July 27, 2013

31 Weeks

Officially 31 weeks today!

We saw the boys on Tuesday at our ultrasound visit.  I was a little bit surprised to hear that both boys were head down.  Baby A is now on my left side - he's been hanging on the right up until now - and is in a very low head down position.  His little butt is to the left side of my belly button, which explains massive lump that appears at times.  Baby B is on the right side with his little butt in my right ribs - little turd.  Both sets of feet seemed to be hanging out in the middle. 

Everything looked good on the ultrasound.  The tech measured out Baby A to be ~ 3 lbs 7 oz and Baby B to be ~ 2 lbs 12 oz.  We did get to see a very up close look at Baby A's foot - so cute!  Now that I'm over the 30 week mark, they would like to see us for ultrasounds every 2 weeks now.  Our next appointment is Tuesday, August 6th in the morning.

Next up is the appointment with my doctor on Friday, August 2nd.  I'm interested in the weight gain category and what she has to say about the most recent ultrasound!

Amber & The Boys

1 comment:

  1. I happened across your blog when doing some research about my ivf meds. Congratulations! Dr young is also my Dr! Had a question for you, if you would like to chat my email is
