Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Heyyyyy all!

C and I went to the first heart check up on Baby A today.  As far as we know things are okay... I asked the ultrasound tech if she would tell us if something was wrong or if we would have to wait until after the heart check up with Baby B at the next appointment.  Obviously she couldn't really say too much, but she did mention that if she saw something suspicious that she would have the doctor talk to us before we left the clinic.  Well, we never spoke with the doctor and she never gave any indications of anything being wrong... so all's good for Baby A!

We absolutely loved being able to see our boys again!  When we arrived the boys were both breech, but by the end of the appointment (45 minutes later), Baby B was transverse again and Baby A was still breech.  Baby B stuck up for himself this time and head butted Baby A - give me more room!  Baby A must be our little acrobat... as we got a shot of him with his legs curled up and feet above his head!

Here's the previous two weeks worth of belly progress photos!

Until next time,
Love Amber & "the Boys"

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