Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Time Flies When You're Having F-U-N!

Time sure flies when you're having fun!  I totally have slacked on updating my blog - but I guess I've been side tracked by two beautiful baby boys!

Thursday the 22nd, Corey and I went in for our 2 week ultrasound to check on the boys.  I was at the 34 week and 5 day mark.  The ultrasound went well and next we went to talk to the Perinatologist.  The nurses took my blood pressure and checked my urine for protein.  The previous week 8/16 at the OB office my BP was the highest it had been throughout the pregnancy and I had 1+ protein in my urine.  Both of which were not too concerning to the doctor at that point, but they would be monitoring closely!  Well... on the 22nd my BP was ~180/90 and I now had 2+ protein in my urine.  Both of which were very concerning and the Perinatologist immediately sent C and I over to the hospital for monitoring and blood work.  They decided to admit me in the maternity center for the night to do a 24 hour urine test for protein.  Well... I managed to fail that miserably thus earning the diagnosis of preeclampsia.  I wouldn't be going anywhere from that hospital bed until I delivered the boys!

While bed rest in the hospital was tough, I managed to pass the time with plenty of visitors and joking around with the nursing staff.  I spent time on bed rest from 8/22 until 8/30.  Around 11:15 pm on 8/29 my water broke and the party started!  The boys were delivered on 8/30 at 10:25 and 10:28 am.  I was super excited that the boys were delivered by Dr. Lehman, the doctor I had been seeing throughout my entire pregnancy, as she was the doctor on call that Friday!  Everything went well besides the fact that I had to have magnesium for 24 hours before / after birth due to my blood pressures.  The magnesium gave me such an out of body experience that I would never wish upon anyone else to ever experience!!  I definitely was excited when the anesthesiologist showed up to give me my epidural... more power to you all who can deliver without assistance, but I was happy to not feel any contractions after that!!

The boys did very well in the delivery room (which was the operating room as they automatically put ladies in the operating room who have twins for a just in case emergency c-section scenario).  Alexander Dean was baby A weighing 6 lbs 2.5 oz and Brodie Lee was baby B weighing 4 lbs 11 oz.  Brodie had to be admitted to the NICU on Saturday as his blood sugar levels were spiking and he wasn't eating very well.  He had everything fully developed and didn't need any assistance beyond eating.  We are very fortunate to have him home now after spending time in the NICU from 8/31 to 9/20.  He is such a trooper now and is making up ground quickly on his 'bigger' brother!  We're adjusting to life at home with two babies!

Thank goodness for my mom being able to help me out for the past 4+ weeks.  She visited me in the hospital and kept me sane!  She helped me pack up Alex at home and get us to the hospital to see Brodie every day.  Last but not least she's helped with both boys being at home - bottle making for Brodie, diaper changes times 2, middle of the night feedings and keeping me sane during any of my minor melt downs!!  Love her to pieces!!

Proud papa!! Brodie (L) & Alex (R)

Crib party in the NICU!!  Alex (L) & Brodie (R)

Both boys are coming home!!!  Alex (L) & Brodie (R)

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