Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Baby J has been officially transferred as of 1 pm today!  The procedure today went really well with no pain involved at all.  Corey and I changed into our get up - I had on a back / butt showing gown and C changed into scrubs.  We both had booties and hair nets as well.  C looked stylish and almost looked like he was a doctor !  C changed so he was able to sit in the room with me as they transferred baby J!!! 

The doctor somewhat put us on the spot today.... He asked us if we wanted to transfer 1 or 2 embryos - I just had envisioned that he would do two and that was protocol.  That was not a conversation that C or I had discussed!!  We basically put our hands in the expertise of the doctor.  His suggestion was to only transfer one embryo.  There were three factors to his reasoning as to why one would be the best option: 1. we have enough frozen eggs (looking like 10+ that fertilized out of the original 35) if this one fails to work, 2.  the quality of my eggs were really really really good (better than normal - finally something is going right bahahah!), 3.  my age aka I'm young.  

The procedure basically involved placing a catheter into my uterus and pushing the embryo into baby J's new "home."   The nurse used an external ultrasound on my stomach to help the doc navigate.  When everything was completed she turned the ultrasound screen so C and I could take a look.  She pointed out and we were able to see a small dot on the screen, which was fluid surrounding the embryo - so baby J is in there!  I was able to keep myself together until doctor & nurse left the room - at that point a few tears streamed out.

The doctor and nurse left us in the room for about 30 minutes.  They tilted the table so my legs were waaaay higher than my head - talk about blood rush to the head!  Before they left the room they gave us a picture of two embryos, one of which is baby J.  This picture absolutely amazing and probably the best picture I've ever seen!  I can't help but get emotional every time I look at the picture.  I really want to carry the picture around and show off what our baby J looks like... buuuut I don't want to be that creepy girl !  I also am on "bed rest" for today and tomorrow - so unfortunately back to work on Thursday & Friday. 

I have a blood test scheduled for June 2nd to see if this officially worked!  Typically you would do so 12 days after today (27th), but we'll be in Canada fishing!  I was so excited to hear that the clinic does lab work on weekends - this will be nice to not have to wait until the following Monday!  I could take a home pregnancy test... buuuutttt I think I'll just wait...

I'll end this one on a few lyrics from a song that my friends and I used to sing alllll the time:

"And it's a great day to be alive, I know the sun's still shinin when I close my eyes."

Heck yes, this was a GREAT day to be ALIVE!
Love you all!

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