Thursday, May 3, 2012

20+ Holes!

Holy cow, I just looked at the plastic bottle where I've been putting my syringes after giving myself a shot.  Tonight, I've officially given myself 20 Lupron shots plus the extra 2 shots per day since Monday.  I keep psyching myself out with the Repronex shot... just a bigger syringe and I keep thinking about the shot too much before I actually take the plunge!  Fortunately I only have about 5 or so shots of that left! 

Here are a few pictures of the shots:

 This would be the Lupron fixings

Lupron - Small needle, small syringe! 20+ of these bad boys!!

 This would be the Repronex, the one that I have to mix.  Two purple vials are the powder and the white lid is the liquid.  So 1 cc of the white lid with 2 of the purple powders.  BIG syringe for mixing, and small blue syringe for injecting!!

Follistim pen - Small needle! The pen is "dialed" out to 150, the dosage I'm currently injecting.  (PS you can also see my "nasty" looking nail on my bum thumb.  At least the nail is grown out to cover the skin and looks like a more normal thumb, but the nail is a little funky yet!

The Lupron and Repronex are both in the evening and the Follistim pen is in the morning.  This is pretty handy because at 6:00 am I am totally not awake to be mixing and drawing medicine into syringes!  The pen is pretty quick and easy!

I had my appointment on Wednesday and everything seemed to be coming along just fine.  The nurse said that no news is good news, so if I didn't hear from them then I am supposed to continue on with the same amount of medications - other wise they would make adjustments based on my lab results.  I heard no news so I'm continuing on!  Every time I go to these appointments I keep hearing weird things... at the first ultrasound and blood draw the nurse said that my ovaries were really far apart from each other... odd never heard that one before.  Wednesday the nurse said that I had quite a few follicles forming and that I would "probably feel them growing" - slightly creepy... but I guess this is a good thing that they're "growing."  I almost can't wait to hear what the nurse is going to tell me tomorrow at my next appointment! HAH

Until next time!

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