Saturday, July 27, 2013

31 Weeks

Officially 31 weeks today!

We saw the boys on Tuesday at our ultrasound visit.  I was a little bit surprised to hear that both boys were head down.  Baby A is now on my left side - he's been hanging on the right up until now - and is in a very low head down position.  His little butt is to the left side of my belly button, which explains massive lump that appears at times.  Baby B is on the right side with his little butt in my right ribs - little turd.  Both sets of feet seemed to be hanging out in the middle. 

Everything looked good on the ultrasound.  The tech measured out Baby A to be ~ 3 lbs 7 oz and Baby B to be ~ 2 lbs 12 oz.  We did get to see a very up close look at Baby A's foot - so cute!  Now that I'm over the 30 week mark, they would like to see us for ultrasounds every 2 weeks now.  Our next appointment is Tuesday, August 6th in the morning.

Next up is the appointment with my doctor on Friday, August 2nd.  I'm interested in the weight gain category and what she has to say about the most recent ultrasound!

Amber & The Boys

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Movin' and a Groovin'

The boys have been a movin' and a groovin' lately!  I am lop sided at times when they decide to pull a full on stretch out.  Just to the left side of my belly button bulges out and on my right side just below my ribs.  I'm pretty sure that there is a head there bulging by the ribs and that has become a tad bit uncomfortable!  I often find myself pushing on my ribs, which helps with the pressure!  Our next ultrasound is on Tuesday!  Super excited to see the boys again and I'm also curious about their positioning!  Our next Dr. appt. is on August 2nd.

I passed my glucose test at my last dr. appointment.  The drink wasn't terrible but also wasn't super delicious!  The worst part was the extreme sugar 'high' and the extreme sugar 'low'!  I found myself seeing the clock 'spin' at about 30 minutes into the test, sweating at about 45 minutes, and at about the 1 hour mark I was on the down hill slide! 

Today officially brings us to the 30 week mark and time is flying by!  C is making some progress on the boy's bedroom!  We now have 3 of 4 walls done with all new outlets and a light switch.  One wall left to finish up and then we'll start working on the angled parts of the ceiling.  Things are starting to come together which is good considering we only have 8 weeks left (38 weeks is the latest they'll let me go!).  I'm hoping that the boys brew for as long as possible as they will be healthier! 

The 4th Annual Jamison Fish Fry is still scheduled for August 31st!  Hope to see you all there!

Until next time,
Love Amber & "The Boys"

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Today brought the two dr. appointments!  First appointment was at the Perinatal Center for an ultrasound.  This time around the appointment only took 20 minutes!  I couldn't believe when we were done!  All previous appointments have taken an hour and a half to an hour and forty-five minutes!  Today was just a general check up and one extra shot of Baby B's heart that they couldn't get on the previous appointment.  The boys were allll sorts of sprawled out today!  Baby A's head was positioned near my right hip bone with his feet angled up towards my left rib cage.  Baby B's head was positioned near my right rib cage and his legs angled towards my left hip bone!  This makes sense as I've been feeling a majority of the movements on the left side of my belly - where both of their legs are positioned! Baby A measured out as a little chunker at 2.6 lbs and Baby B measured out to be 2.0 lbs.  Next ultrasound will be at week 30, on June 23rd, in three weeks!

The next appointment was in the afternoon with my dr.  I packed on an additional 9 lbs from the last appointment to take my count up to 24 lbs.  My blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature were all looking fantastic!  Today was the day that I had the pleasure of drinking the glucose drink to test for gestational diabetes.  I went with the lemon-lime flavor.  The drink didn't taste terrible, and I managed to gulp 'er down.  I'm glad that the bottle wasn't any bigger...

The dr. didn't have much to talk about and I didn't have much to ask so the appointment was pretty short again.  She mentioned next time around we'd talk about delivery stuff.  Next appointment with her is on August 3rd.  She said she wanted to be able to review the ultrasound information before meeting with me.  Went down to the lab for my blood draw.  I had to wait ~ 30 minutes before they took my blood.  Holy cow did that glucose drink give me one heck of a sugar high and one heck of a low.  I definitely felt the effects of all that sugar.  I didn't get a call back on my results, so I hope to hear from them tomorrow.  Fingers crossed that I passed... of all tests, nobody wants to fail that one!

Baby B's head was resting on Baby A's chest near his heart... such sweeties!
Profile shot of Baby A - lil' guy was moving his jaw - 'sucking' - probably trying to find his hands! Super cute!