Friday, November 30, 2012

Calendar and a Plan

I received our FET (frozen embryo transfer) calendar from Nicole this week!    I can't believe that we're almost into December - where has this year gone?!  From the looks of the calendar, our FET will be on Thursday, January 10th.

For the time being, my daily routine consists of taking a prenatal multi-vitamin, an extra vitamin D pill, a birth control pill, and a baby aspirin.  Sunday I will start taking Metronidazole (antibiotic) twice a day.  So for now I'm just a pill popper until I start the Lupron injections.

I managed to get my buns to the gym twice this week... I consider this a pretty big accomplishment!  I went on Monday and today.  I strolled out of bed by 4:00ish am to get ready to head to town by 4:30 - 4:45 ish.  I'm starting out slow by just doing a little walking on the treadmill.  Think I'll stick to this routine for a little while until I can work up to doing something else!  Both times I walked, my legs felt like jello when I stepped of the treadmill to get ready for work!

I am looking forward to the holiday's and attending more women's basketball games as I know this will keep me busy!  I also have a really busy next week at work!

Until next time, I'll be poppin' pills... what will you be doing?  :)

Love you,

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Third Times a Charm

Hello all,

Saturday officially started our third times a charm attempt.  I'll have to contact Nicole at the clinic for our official calendar.  As always I am looking forward to getting my calendar.  I feel so much better when I have a plan of attack and know what is coming ahead.

I was having an internal battle with myself... My heart wanted to kick start this cycle with the progesterone pills and get things going, but something inside me said to just have patience and wait.  I think I finally have an understanding of the patience thing... I'm ready to just let things flow and happen as they will.  I am sure part of feeling this way is because I've been through just about everything once before, but I also am ready to just slow down and let things happen. 

I am also having another battle with myself... I am at an all time high in the weight category!  The past year has taken a mighty toll on my weight!  I have been slightly less motivated to move in general... whether that be to go outside and pull the weeds in the flower beds, get things done around the house, and go out to do errands.  I signed up for a membership to use the gym at work.  The monthly rates are really cheap compared to most gyms around the DSM area.  The facilities are nice and I am planning on using the gym before work.  I think that the gym will be fairly less occupied that early in the morning and I'll look less like a fool as I get started!  This girl is out of shape - yikes! 

Hope you all enjoyed a wonderful thanksgiving with your families!  I am very very thankful for the friends and family who have supported and those that continue to support us on our journey.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Three steps forward... one HUGE step backwards.

I'm not even sure where to start... but I guess I'll give 'er a shot by starting where I left you all in my last post.  At our second ultrasound 10/15 @ 11:40, the nurse didn't have good news.  Baby J didn't show any growth nor show signs of a beating heart.  While we knew that the doctor was concerned about the previous ultrasound and the low heart beat, we still had hope for the best.  October 15th... the day that the nurse told C & I that our Baby J was gone... at approximately 7 weeks old.  October 15th... is also the official date of Pregnancy and Infancy Loss Remembrance Day.

I had no signs or symptoms of a miscarriage at all... Dr. Young gave us the option to wait for a natural miscarriage or go forward with a D&C (Dilation & Curettage).  After hearing the news from the nurse and discussing things with Dr. Young, I knew that I couldn't go back to work.  I came home and that afternoon C and I took a ride in the truck with piglet (aka Max) and talked about our options.  I called Dr. Young on Tuesday morning to let him know that I had decided to go ahead with the D&C procedure.  For my own mental stability and emotional state, I knew that I couldn't sit around and wonder when things would naturally take their toll.  Wednesday afternoon I was scheduled for my surgery.  Things went as well as they could for that situation and I didn't experience much pain from the procedure.

Almost 4 weeks have passed and every day has been a challenge.  I feel like I've been through all 5 stages of grief... and some days I pass through all of them... and other days I revert back to the beginning.  One of the hardest things to do is to wake up every day and go into work, be out in public places, etc. and pretend that everything is okay.  I think the biggest thing at the moment that has me hung up, is trying how to physically remember our Baby J.

Last Monday 11/5, C & I met with Dr. Young for a follow up / a where to go from here appointment.  We still have 3 frozen embryos and 5 frozen eggs to work with.  Next step is to wait for my cycle to start.  After that will be the same thing as last time: birth control pills, Lupron shots, estrogen patches, progesterone shots and then the frozen transfer.  Looks like the transfer will be around the first of the year if not shortly after that if things go well.

I for one am hoping for 3rd times a charm... guess we'll see...

Uuntil next time,