Friday, August 17, 2012

Riding High

I am going to assume that no news is good news!  I had my appointment on the 9th for a blood draw to check my estradiol level, but didn't get any information back from the clinic.  The 13th brought the first day for the Vivelle skin patches.  This time around I have to wear two and change them every 4th day.  I was itching (literally) to get the patches off the morning of the 4th day.  I don't recall having an itchy feeling the first time I wore them?!  My last Lupron shot is on the 23rd and I'm definitely looking forward to that!  I forgot how sensitive my tummy gets with all those needle pokes!  Just even a brush of the hand hurts a little!  My next milestone is the 30th for an ultrasound, blood work, sign the consent form for the frozen cycle, and pay my part of the frozen transfer fees.  I misread my calendar and thought I would have to pay on the 9th, but I got a extra bonus of a couple weeks before shelling out the cash. 

The roller coaster is riding high.  I felt great today, in fact the best I've felt in quite a while and I'm not sure why, but I felt refreshed, happy, and full of energy.  I accomplished quite a bit at work this week and things have been looking up in the work department - hopefully a much deserved raise will come soon as well...(fingers crossed)! 

Don't forget next weekend is the 3rd Annual Jamison Fish Fry! Come on out and join us for food, friends, and fun!

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