Thursday, August 30, 2012

Awkward Turtle!

I had my appointment today!  Pretty excited / nervous for this appointment, but all went well!  I had some blood drawn and then an ultrasound.  The ultrasound was to check the thickness of my lining.  The nurse said everything looked great and we're all set for our 1pm transfer next Thursday!  I was relieved to hear that things would be moving forward on the day that the calendar originally stated... less than a week!

Now onto the title of this post! I had to have Corey meet me at the clinic to sign the frozen embryo consent form - legal stuff.  We had to sign the sheet in front of a notary aka the front desk lady.  Somewhat of a wasted trip for him, but I promised that I would take him out for lunch!  We went practically next door to El Rodeo a Mexican restaurant.  In less than 10 minutes after we were seated, they sat down a few staff members from the clinic at a table right behind me!  So out of the 6 people sitting at this table, 1 of them was an outcast as I know he doesn't work at the clinic but the other 3/5 have seen my goodies and the other 2 have vampired my arm for blood... as the post says... this was a little bit of an awkward turtle.  Not knowing what the proper protocol was for this situation, I didn't make eye contact and smiled as we got up to leave - didn't want to seem like a total wench...

I've been trying to find things to keep my preoccupied to not think about the upcoming events, that I went ahead and caved in... and bought the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy.  I was mildly thinking that this would give me something to do while I'm supposed to be lounging next Thursday and Friday.  I found that lounging while you're not really sick is a hard thing as so many things and ideas run through your head - what could I be doing while I'm at home and not at that thing called work... hrm...  Back to the books, so I bought them via Itunes and started reading them on Tuesday evening.  I just finished the first book tonight... I'm not sure that I'll have anything left to read by next week and I can't seem to stop reading!  I really want to know what is going to happen next and I am having a hard time putting the "book" down!  Last night I had to quit as my phone battery was drained - HAH!

Before the excitement on Thursday, I have to get through the dreaded progesterone shots.  The intramuscular shots in my "butt" region are not very much fun, contrary to popular belief!  I start the shots on Saturday evening.

Hope you enjoy your long weekend!  I'll be enjoying a long weekend, a 2 day work week, and another long weekend!  Just as I told Corey tonight... I'm High!! I'm high on life that is...

Until next time,

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