Monday, December 17, 2012

Space Cadet

I'm not quite sure what's going on lately, but I've felt like a total space cadet and I am increasingly tired!  I keep forgetting to take my pills and vitamins in the morning... I haven't forgotten to take them for an entire day but I keep forgetting until late evening!  I am also so tired at night time.  I don't know if the up and down temperatures and the early sun set is causing this or what!  I can't stay awake much past 8 or 8:30... Feel like an old lady.

I finished up my birth control pills last weekend, and have continued my Lupron shots for a week + now.  I totally spaced off giving myself a shot last week until early in the morning, as I fell asleep early and didn't wake up until 3:45 am...!  I have since gotten smarter and set an alarm for 10pm.  The sleepiness is actually working out pretty well as I am so groggy when I take my shot that I can't really comprehend the poke!

Today brought my estradiol level check at the clinic.  I went in early at 7:30 and had the blood draw.  My nurse called back later in the morning to say that my estrogen level was at a 39, which is good to go for the FET.  On Wednesday, I'll start the two Vivelle Dot patches and continue to change those out every 3 days.  I'll continue on with the lupron until the end of the year.  I have my lining check ultrasound on Jan. 3rd., to basically see if we still have a green light for the FET.

I hope you all enjoy the holidays!  C and I will be partaking in at least 3 family gatherings!  I can't wait to enjoy the time with family.

Love you all,

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