Thursday, December 27, 2012

End of 2012!

Well time has come for an end of what will hopefully be a new beginning for the Jamison family!  2012 brought some really big highs and some really big lows.  I am hoping for a little less ups and downs in 2013.

Christmas brought a lot of fun times with family!  We kicked off the fun times at Corey's parents for some dinner, Christmas eve church service, and then a gift exchange in the evening.  Good times and laughter was had by all!  Christmas day C & I went to my grandparents house in Grimes.  We decided to change things up a bit for dinner.  We went with soup and sandwiches, along with some snackies!  After dinner brought another gift exchange.  I think the best gift of all was a kids camera that my cousin's little boy received.  The camera allowed you to add mustaches, hats, ice cream cones, and other misc. things to people's faces / heads once you took the picture!  This sure brought some giggles out from the crowd!  My parents and brother came to our house later in the evening and we had our own small family Christmas.  We lounged around our house on Wednesday and just had fun hanging out together.  Piglet (Max) really enjoyed all the visitors, and well his Christmas gifts...  Mom bought him a sock that was filled with a plastic bottle (which lasted all of 10 minutes - if that) and his favorite CHEETOS!!!

C & I (and Max) are going to go ice fishing up in northern Minnesota for a few days over the new year.  We'll get in a little rest and relaxation as well as some fun! 

Next doctor appointment is Thursday the 3rd.  I'll get my blood drawn, have a lining check ultrasound, sign our FET consent form, and pay our portion of the FET fees.  Fortunately, since we'll be in 2013 at that point, I'll be able to use my flex spending cash!

So far I've just been keeping up with my daily vitamins, patches, and nightly Lupron shot.  The shot will end on the 31st. and I'll continue on with the patches.  The dreaded progesterone IM shot will begin on the 5th....

See you all next year (after the 3rd) for the next update!  Hah! 

Much Love,


Monday, December 17, 2012

Space Cadet

I'm not quite sure what's going on lately, but I've felt like a total space cadet and I am increasingly tired!  I keep forgetting to take my pills and vitamins in the morning... I haven't forgotten to take them for an entire day but I keep forgetting until late evening!  I am also so tired at night time.  I don't know if the up and down temperatures and the early sun set is causing this or what!  I can't stay awake much past 8 or 8:30... Feel like an old lady.

I finished up my birth control pills last weekend, and have continued my Lupron shots for a week + now.  I totally spaced off giving myself a shot last week until early in the morning, as I fell asleep early and didn't wake up until 3:45 am...!  I have since gotten smarter and set an alarm for 10pm.  The sleepiness is actually working out pretty well as I am so groggy when I take my shot that I can't really comprehend the poke!

Today brought my estradiol level check at the clinic.  I went in early at 7:30 and had the blood draw.  My nurse called back later in the morning to say that my estrogen level was at a 39, which is good to go for the FET.  On Wednesday, I'll start the two Vivelle Dot patches and continue to change those out every 3 days.  I'll continue on with the lupron until the end of the year.  I have my lining check ultrasound on Jan. 3rd., to basically see if we still have a green light for the FET.

I hope you all enjoy the holidays!  C and I will be partaking in at least 3 family gatherings!  I can't wait to enjoy the time with family.

Love you all,

Thursday, December 6, 2012


I stopped by Bauder's today to pick up my "supply".  I picked up my Lupron, Vivelle patches, progesterone, a couple different antibiotic pills, and a muscle relaxer for THE day.  I managed to shell out a little over $350.00 for my "supply".  I seriously felt like an addict when I left as I had two bags full of medications, alcohol pads, and two big bundles of two different sizes of syringes!  Today was by far the most I've carried out of that place!!!  I did struggle a little bit to hold onto everything and open the door to leave as of course I had a malt in one hand... I had to buy a malt on my way out!

Last week I received an awesome letter from Wellmark Blue Cross stating that Bauder Pharmacy would no longer be a preferred vendor for home infusion therapy.  The letter stated that I had received medications from this vendor in the past 6 months.  The really awesome letter unfortunately did not state what medications I may have received that would fall under their category of home infusion therapy.  They did however conveniently offer two other pharmacies to utilize instead:  HyVee and CVS.  Well thanks Wellmark, but neither one of those two pharmacies provide any fertility drug services.  Curiosity got the best of me and I decided to give Wellmark a call to get a better understanding of the letter.  I looked online at their information booklet that described what their definition of home infusion therapy was and I was still confused.  Their broad information booklet really didn't help me decipher if the medications I need would be covered at all or even if the medications I need would fall under home infusion therapy.

Anyways, as I said I called Wellmark to get a better understanding, but their customer service representative didn't have a clue what home infusion therapy was nor did she know if any of the medications on my claims would fall under that category.  So...not....helpful....that the letter didn't explain what specific medications they wouldn't be covering starting 1/1/2013.  The lady on the phone didn't have a clue, but mentioned that just because Bauder's wouldn't be a preferred vendor I could use another pharmacy to get the medications.  I mentioned to the customer service representative that there was no other pharmacy that currently sells fertility drugs in the greater state of Iowa... Thanks.

As I was not satisfied with my answer from the customer service representative, I decided to ask the pharmacists at Bauder's as I can't be the only patient at Mid-Iowa Fertility to have Wellmark as an insurance provider.  General consensus from talking to the pharmacists and my experience with the customer service representative, Wellmark doesn't have a flippen clue what they're doing.  They're being wishy washy about the services - home infusion therapy and which medications fall under that requirement.  All of this wishy washyness is tied into this past spring when Bauder's was under investigation by the State for prescription pain killers. Long story short this girl is not pleased... and I will be checking into this situation a little bit more on my end with Wellmark (again) and I want to get in contact with the financial gal at the clinic.

I'll start my first shot of Lupron on Saturday evening!  This will bring back memories of our last try and the first shot I had to psych up for was during the Olympics when the women's gymnastics team won gold!

Till next time!