Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I can finally relax! I tried not to get impatient, but I hate not knowing where I'm going and what is ahead! I called my nurse Nicole at the clinic Monday and inquired about how long you wait to get your cycle after taking the progesterone pills. She was out of the office, but called me Tuesday and left a message. She said that your cycle can take up to 14 days to start after taking the progesterone, and mentioned that if I was at the 14 day point to call back, otherwise keep on waiting! If I could have only waited one more day....! Day one of the 2nd round of in vitro officially started Tuesday! I called Nicole today and left her a message. I said in the message that I was just testing her knowledge about the progesterone pills... Mentioned day 1 and thanked her for calling me back and being patient (something I'm still learning hah)! She called back and said she had to laugh at my message and that the same thing happens to quite a few people. She said she'd get my handy dandy calendar ready and send 'er to me. First two weeks will probably be birth control and a baby aspirin. Third week will start the Lupron subcutaneous stomach shots. Who knows after that as we're doing a frozen cycle this time. I am looking forward to more structure and dates to check off the calendar! I am excited to go back to Bauders Pharmacy to not only get the drugs but mostly excited for the old fashioned malts!!! Yes, I'm going to indulge.

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