Thursday, March 1, 2012


I've been trying to come up with the right words for this post for a while now. I'm still not sure if I've got them or will ever have the right words, but here goes....

Our world was rocked with the sudden passing of Corey's brother Chris. At this point in time, I'm not sure that we understand god's plans for Chris or the future. Right now I know that we will miss this very kind and loving husband, father, and brother more than words can express. Our hearts go out to Julie, Allison, and Casey.

Corey and I made it to the couples learning session at Mid-Iowa Fertility. This was a 2 hour power point session! All of the information about the in vitro process was good to learn and talk about, however, very overwhelming. Overwhelming in a sense that there was so much information thrown at us in such a short period of time. The nurse also described the medications that I will have to be taking, how to inject the medications with syringes, and how to mix the medications. I have a lot of anxiety about all of the injections that I will have to give myself. I am definitely not a needles person at all and have never given myself a shot before. Eventually, I will need to have a shot in the back side of my hips...the nurse mentioned that this would be the worst shot and the biggest needle. She mentioned that this shot would most likely need to be injected by someone other than myself. I am unsure if Corey will be able to give me this or any of the shots for that matter, but we will cross this bridge when we get there...

I am somewhat confident that this whole needle / medication process will be alright once we actually get started. I just need to get over this beginning stewing and fretting stage! Medications will most likely start mid to late March. The nurse said that it takes about 35 days from the start of medications to the egg retrieval process - if all goes well. Approximately 5 days after that will be the embryo transfer. Again, a lot of anxiety because this all sounds so good and I will have a nice little calendar /plan to follow, but there is no guarantee that this will create baby J. I will always stay positive and never give up, but I think it is normal to have anxiety about the process.

My thumb continues to heal at a steady pace. The nail has grown about 1/3 of the way across the nail bed. I am able to use my right hand for a few tasks, but do experience pain when I forget that it is sensitive! I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday. The doctor who performed the surgery said that my thumb looked like it was healing well. He proceeded to squeeze on the sides of my thumb and asked if that hurt... well it was a little sensitive...! He squeezed out a little bit of infection.... Soooo, I am on antibiotics and he was going to do a lab test on the infection. Dang it! On the plus side, he still said it looked good and mentioned that I wouldn't need to come back! Hoping that before I know it I'll be back to normal and using my thumb more than EVER!!!

I hope you all can take the time to express to your family members how much you love them, as one never knows when the unexpected may occur. With that said, I love you and miss you all.

Until next time,

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