Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas spent with family, friends, and good food! Corey and I had a wonderful couple days spent with our families with four Christmas'. We spent the first one with Corey's family on at his parents home on Christmas Eve. Dinner, church, and a present exchange filled the evening. Great company with tons of laughter (from ugly sweaters to pizza sauce to finally a new cell phone for Darrell) made the evening fly by so fast that when we headed home it was almost 11:00 pm!

The next Christmas celebration was bright and early on Christmas day with Corey, Max, and myself! Corey said that Santa had plugged in and put gifts on the tree! Naturally Max and I were so excited, we had to run to see what Corey was talking about! Max received an edible rawhide Christmas card that said "Merry Christmas to the World's Best Dog," which turned out to be the best gift ever as it entertained him for about and hour and a half! He also received a rawhide wreath as well but he decided he better save that for later! While Max enjoyed his new card, I found a couple small boxes hidden in the tree. While their commercial is not always true this time it was - "Every kiss begins with Kay's!" Corey gave me a heart shaped necklace with matching earrings - which I love! I opened my jewelry from the boxes while Corey opened his gift which was a Keruig single cup coffee maker. He mentioned that this might be a good gift for me to give him as we didn't necessarily need a whole pot of regular coffee (which I don't drink anymore) or a whole pot of decaffeinated coffee (which he doesn't like to drink)! I cut myself off from coffee for not only the fact that I had jitters an entire day after divulging in a large vanilla iced coffee from McD's and had the shakes the entire day but also for that sheer fact that caffeine and pregnancy isn't' the best combination. Although it has been almost a year that I've not had coffee there isn't' a day that goes by when I smell coffee grounds or walk by a Starbucks that I really really really really want a MOCHA or an iced coffee, which makes me fee like an addict bahahaha! Also speaking of addicts it has been about 10+ months that Corey has not had any chewing tobacco - I am so proud of him for making the choice to quit all by himself!

Max and his card.
Corey & his coffee maker.

After we opened our gifts to each other we obviously had to make coffee and then after all that excitement it was time to take a little nap!! My boys must have been so super excited that they were all tuckered out like Randy on 'A Christmas Story' when he passed out at the end next to the tree. C must have needed a nap before heading out to go to my grandparents! Onto the grandparents for lunch and afternoon hang time. Once again food, company, and conversation was pretty good and we also filled the afternoon with tons of laughs! One laugh got pretty out of hand and mom ended up snorting her coffee! She had just taken a huge swig of coffee and Brett made a funny which made her laugh / snort her coffee back into her mug. Hilarious. (LOVE you mom :-) )

My parents and my brother then joined C and I in the evening for the last Christmas get together at our place. Max was super excited to see his grandparents as well as his uncle!! We had more laughs and good conversations as well as our last present exchange. The best gift by far was a picture calendar that mom made for C - each month has a different selection of max pictures!
Corey & the Calendar.

The weekend was a success! We enjoyed all of the company, ate delicious food, and had a great time! Corey, Max, and I can only hope that you all had the same amount of fun times, good food, and great company as we did! We don't have much to update you all on baby Jamison, but there is an appointment scheduled for Jan. 16th to meet with Dr. Young at the Mid-Iowa Fertility Clinic. After this appointment I am sure we will have more information and updates. Until then I may not have much to update you all on but if I do I will definitely create a new post!

Much Love,

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