Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ohhh Boy!

Today was the day I've been waiting for!  We were able to see baby A and B!  Apparently there are two Perinatal Centers in downtown DSM, and of course I managed to go to the wrong one....  I left the doctors office with plenty of time to get to my next appointment.  So I sat in the parking lot waiting for C to join me.  We strolled into the clinic at 10:30 (appointment time) and went to the receptionist desk to check in.  This is where I about had a coronary.  They told me that I wasn't scheduled for an appointment and then mentioned that maybe I needed to go to the Methodist Perinatal Center not the Mercy Perinatal Center (where we were).  Considering we were just barely on time at the wrong clinic I about died wondering how far away was the right clinic?!?!  C and I managed to find the right clinic and strolled in at 10:45.  The receptionist there mentioned that I was supposed to check in at 10:15 to get paper work completed for my 10:30 appointment.  Thanks for the reminder that I already know I'm late.  She wasn't sure if we would be able to get in for the ultrasound as we were late... about had a melt down...

They managed to get us in and get the ultrasound completed. *WHEW* This took about 1.5 hours!!!  I can't believe how fast time flew while we were looking at our babies!  Baby B (the higher baby in a transverse position) was spread eagle so the ultrasound tech knew right away that baby B was a boy!  She took lots of different angles and pictures of the hands, feet, heart, skull, spine, etc.  Baby A was a little bit more of a struggle as they were head down and curled up!  Their feet and hands were all snuggled up by the head!  After shifting side to side, going to the bathroom, and her shaking the ultrasound wand all to get baby A to move....we were finally able to see that Baby A was also a boy!  Was so much fun to see the movements of their hands and feet "live" on screen.  Baby A was caught kicking Baby B in the head... most likely just the beginning of more 'fighting' between the two or the famous line "I'm not touching you..."

Here are the two previous week's progress photos!

Monday, April 15, 2013


Still playing the waiting game until the 30th which is our next appointment with the doc.  After our appointment we'll be driving down town DSM to the Perinatal Center for an ultrasound.  I can hardly wait to see Baby J a & b!

Things are going well and I know my bellykins is getting bigger... here's a little bit of proof (not too much of a difference between the two weeks, but I sure feel different!):

Monday, April 1, 2013

14 Weeks +

Today brought our second appointment!  We were really excited to see the babies but unfortunately as much as I tried and tried to trick the doctor into giving me an ultrasound, we'll have to wait until the next appointment!  Dang!  The nurse used the Doppler and was able to hear both heartbeats.  One heartbeat was ~155 and the other was ~163.  The sound is so amazing, but I know that in a month the ultrasound will be even more amazing!  The next appointment is on April 30th at 9:15 am!  Until then you'll have to wait for updates!  Here's some photos C and I took in the past couple weeks.

This is the puzzle I had my Grandparents put together to find out we were expecting and expecting twins!

Announcement soon to be very much public!
9 Weeks - Ultrasound Photos from Mid-Iowa Fertility

14 Weeks!  Navel Oranges!