Sunday, April 8, 2012

Week 2!

I was issued my official IVF calendar this past week! I was pretty excited to get the calendar to help me "map" out what is happening when! I bet this surprises you all that I like to have a schedule :)....OR maybe not! The biggest thing for me is that the calendar puts a little more clarity into the whole process. I am for sure starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Today officially brings us to week 2 on the calendar! At work we keep talking about celebrating the small wins... so I guess I'm bringing that to my personal life and celebrating the small wins! Today started 2 different types of antibiotics for me and a z-pack for C. The antibiotics for me will continue until next week.

My thumb is healing rapidly! I am impressed with how fast the nail has grown back and how many more tasks I can complete with my right hand - small wins now... :) My biggest accomplishment for the past week was the ability to hit the space bar with my right thumb instead of using my right pointer finger. This was somewhat of a weird thing to re-learn or re-train my brain to use my thumb instead of bringing that pointer finger down. I know... weird that I didn't just use my left thumb to space, but that seemed really awkward- almost as weird as trying to throw with my left arm.

Until next time...

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