Saturday, June 8, 2013

6 months!

Well I'm officially 6 months along today!  My oh my has so much happened since my last post!  C and I went on our annual fishing trip to Canada.  We enjoyed our stay and enjoyed the fishing!  The trip is such a nice break from 'reality', as there really are no time schedules, no cell phones, and no computers which all lead to a relaxing time.  Along the way we had to stop and get this little gem:
This is our Week 22 Photo (Papayas) as we were up in Canada!
On Tuesday June 4th I had an appointment with Dr. Lehman at the OB office.  Everything is going well, so the appointment was quick.  The next appointment will bring the glucose test, which I asked if I could skip out on and got denied!  Darn...  After the appointment at the OB office, I drove downtown to the Perinatal Center where I met up with C.  We had an ultrasound to check out Baby B's heart and do a general growth check on both.  Baby A weighed a whopping 1.6 pounds and was head down.  Baby B weighed slightly less at 1.2 pounds and was transverse across the top of my belly.  Baby B was a little stinker and wouldn't budge at all during the ultrasound.  The little guy's heart was almost directly below my belly button, which caused the ultrasound tech to struggle to get good shots of his heart.  After 1 hour and 45 minutes, the tech got as many pictures as she could!  

Once the ultrasound tech had compiled the pictures, we then met with Dr. Drake.  Dr. Drake checked over the ultrasounds on both boys and mentioned that they looked great, including both hearts!  She asked us if we knew why we were doing such an extensive check on the hearts, which we responded yes - IVF.  She made mention that there is a possibility that there are heart defects with IVF babies, but in her entire years at the Perinatal center, she has yet to see an IVF baby with a heart defect.  We were very much excited to hear the good news!

Next appointments for both the OB office and Perinatal center fall on July 2nd.  Ultrasounds in the morning and glucose test in the afternoon.

Here's some of the most recent photos:

This was while I was in Wahpeton, ND for work... I felt like I had popped - 6/5/2013
Until next time,
Love Amber & the Boys (C, Max, & Babies)