Saturday, September 22, 2012



I had my initial blood draw on Tuesday.  I told the nurse that drew my blood to not have anyone contact me until after 4pm Tuesday afternoon.  I had an all day teleconference, and a meeting at the plant from 2:45 - 3:45.  I knew that either way the results were going to cause me to be an emotional wreck and I didn't want to show any emotions at work!  By 3:45 as the meeting was ending I was nervous as ever!  I was nervous all day long, but I knew that I'd get the results soon!  I left work as soon as I could hoping that I would be home before the clinic called as I didn't really want to be driving to hear the news.

I got home a little after 4 and tried to watch Ellen to keep me entertained until I got the call.  At 4:45, I couldn't take the wait any longer!  I called the clinic, of course none of the nurses answered, so I left a message for SOMEONE to call me back - btw the clinic closes at 5.  At 4:50 I called my nurse Nicole and left her a message hoping she would call be back!  Finally, at 4:55 I received a call from Dr. Young.  He told me that my hCG level was in the 200's and I was indeed pregnant.  Yessssssssssssssssssss!!!  I was seriously ready to check myself into the ER for heart palpitations.... what was the doc thinking to wait until 4:55! 

Thursday I went to the clinic for a follow up blood draw.  Again, I received a phone call from Dr. Young.  He said that my hCG level had doubled to 470ish range.  This is a normal increase and everything looks good on paper!  I was told to set up and ultrasound two weeks from Thursday.  So, I now have an ultrasound on Oct. 4th - I can't wait!

Corey & I are beyond excited with the recent news!  Obviously you've been included in our journey and exciting news if you've received my calls, texts, or have read this blog!  We are happy to share the news with some really close family members and friends, but we are not quite ready to go out and scream the news to the world!  When things get a little further along and a couple months from now we'll be ready to start telling more and more people - we just want things to continue to go well!

Next update around or after the ultrasound on the 4th!

Love much
Corey, Amber, Max & Baby J(s)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Transferred Twice!

There is a double meaning in this post!  We officially completed our 2nd embryo transfer - the frozen embryo transfer on Thursday.  We also transferred two embryos.  Everything seemed to go pretty well and we were in and out of the clinic in a little under an hour.  We still have three frozen embryos in case things don't work out.

I scheduled my blood test for the 18th - 12 days after the transfer.  I could do a home test, but similar to the first attempt, I don't believe I can bring myself to do so.  Here's to hoping that this next week at work flies, the weekend will bring a fun tailgate with friends at the ISU vs. Western Illinois football game, and then two more working days before I can find out how things went this time!  I know that work will be easier to go back to and next week will be better as one of my bosses called me the morning before the transfer tell tell me that they finally approved my much needed raise.  I am not sure when the raise will take into effect, but again this will make going to work a whole heck of a lot easier and give me motivation to keep up the good work!

I have been lounging around the last two days, per doctor's orders... so, I am looking forward to being a little more mobile tomorrow!  Hoping that I can get somewhere to watch the "big" game - GO STATE!

Lil' Piglet - aka Max - snoozing with me while I "lounged"

Here's to enjoying the next 11 days and here's to hopefully hearing some good news!

Until next time,